Advanced Computer Vision Services for Startups

Extract meaningful information from images and videos with our tailored made models.

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NEUROSYS Computer Vision Services

Image Recognition

Image recognition is tasked with detecting and identifying people, items, places, writing or otherwise specific features on an image.

Object Detection

Object detection adds localization to the former family of models by providing exact information regarding the position of multiple objects.

Face Recognition

Our services also include ad-hoc AI systems like Face Recognition models that match known pictures of individuals to new images even when partial occlusion.

Video Analytics

Moving from image to Video Analytics, we can leverage additional information to a series of images (frames in a video) by taking into account the features that are relevant across multiple frames.

Video Recognition

Video inputs can provide supplementary information in subsequent images such as a new angle/view of an object or the evolution of a person’s motion.

Object Tracking

Going further from video classification, Object tracking models leverage the change in object localization of the detected labels over different video frames enabling technologies like.

Computer Vision Application Processing Services

Image Recognition use cases

Object Detection use cases

Face Recognition use cases

Video Recognition use cases

How we work?

  • Mapping the problem

    Working closely with your company, we will identify the key areas where AI can bring the most value. This involves meetings with all stakeholders and developing a roadmap for action together.

  • Data exploration and proof of concept

    We will evaluate if you have the business data needed to train relevant machine learning models. If required, we identify additional frameworks for data collection in your company.

  • Proposal for deliverables

    Based on our meetings and data analysis, we’ll share with you the possible AI use cases for your company. We will work hand-in-hand to agree on the desired outcome.

  • Model development

    We will build and apply various machine learning models to your business data, to find the best solution. As a result, we will develop algorithms that accomplish the desired goal.

  • Application deployment

    We integrate the machine learning model with an API or front-end product, making it user-friendly and accessible to the end-user.

  • Maintenance

    Any system might require time to time maintenance, and we are happy to support our customers with that.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is computer vision?
Computer vision is a field of technology that focuses on teaching computers how to understand and interpret visual information, such as images and videos. Thanks to machine learning techniques, computers are now able to perform a wide range of data processing tasks with very little input or intervention from humans.
How do I know that you can solve my problem with Computer vision?
In general, if a decision or choice needs to be made based on visual medium features, if a human can do it, then a machine can do it. It just becomes a question of how much data is available for training and how much effort is required to build the models necessary to achieve the business goals.
Who is responsible for data collection and labelling?

Data collection is most often on the client side as it is connected to the peculiar business problem to be solved. We can help you with that, especially if it is a data source we have worked with before.

Labeling can be on the client side if very specific knowledge is required for labeling or it can be outsourced to a labeling company or us. Hybrid solutions are also available, and in all cases, we provide proper labeling training and guidelines tailored to the computer vision task.

How long does it take to execute a Computer Vision project?
If you imagine the process made up of iterations of the cycle: data collection, labeling, model development + training, testing & evaluation and deployment into the customer solution, usually the first 2 steps take 20-50% of the time (the smaller the project / standard problem, the higher the percentage) while the split between the latter 3 is really dependent of the novelty of the problem being solved, the required performance level and the complexity of deployment. The computer vision project range is from 3 months to multi-year collaborations.
Do you guarantee the success of the project?
During the project evaluation, we provide a feasibility assessment and, for problems in which we have experience, we can provide a more precise prediction at the level of the computer vision metrics and discuss the forecasted minimum level of performance.

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